Get Involved
Inspiring children to read is something we can all be a part of. New partners, volunteers, and donors are always welcome.

Become a partner
Our community and corporate partners are essential to our ability to share a love of reading with children. If you’re interested in working with us, we’d love to talk to you.

Volunteer with us
We love our volunteers. There are always opportunities available for those with a big heart, a love of reading and books, helping hands, map-reading skills for book deliveries, and the strength to lift and carry boxes.

Make a donation
The Little Red Reading House operates under the stewardship of the Owerko Centre at the University of Calgary with generous funding support from the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. If you are interested in donating to us, please do so through the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation’s website. There is a section where you can include a comment that your gift was inspired to support the Little Red Reading House. We rely on the generosity of donors for books and funding, to continue inspiring children with the magic of reading, and to promote the importance of reading spaces. Contact us for more information.