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Book Bank

Help us get books into the hands of children who need them most.

What is the Book Bank?

Our Book Bank is like a food bank: For families furthest from opportunity, we’re here to nourish the hearts and minds of children in Calgary with baby board books, picture books and chapter books.

From the shelves of our Book Bank at Shedpoint to the shelves of Little Red Reading House, Reading Place Affiliates, community agencies and Little Free Libraries, our book access movement has given thousands of children books of their very own to keep and get hooked on reading.

Why is book ownership so important?

Every child has a right to read—and the chance to enjoy a bright start in school and in life.

Daily play and book reading with an adult helps protect against child developmental delay, late talking, and social-emotional delays.

Sources: McDonald et al. (2016), Research in Developmental Disabilities. Collison et al. (2016), Journal of Pediatrics. Martin et al. (2022), Pediatrics.

25% of families report they don’t spend time reading at home and 6% say they don’t own books.

Source: Logan et al. (2019). Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. Clark et al. (2021). National Literacy Trust (United Kingdom)

When adults read to their young children, their children hear more words, participate in more back-and-forth talk, and their children talk more.

Source: Reggin et al. (2024)

How do we get books into community?

Our Little Red Reading Van is part mobile book bank and part pop-up reading place. The van travels from our Book Bank to Little Red Reading House, Little Free Libraries, Reading Place Affiliates and community agencies to top up books and host reading fun.

Since 2015, when our Book Bank was born in the basement of Little Red Reading House, we’ve seen:

166,547 books given to children at Little Red Reading House and via Book Bank

125 unique agencies receive books from the Book Bank

80 Little Free Libraries across Calgary stocked in part by our Book Bank and volunteers



Families Matter

Women’s Centre

Children’s Cottage



Discovery House


Big Brothers Big Sisters


Book Partners

Calgary Food Bank

Habitat for Humanity

Closer To Home

Woods Homes

Catholic Family Service – Louise Dean Centre


The Alex

Rotary Clubs

Kiwanis Clubs

Calgary Pregnancy Care Centre

Hillhurst United Church

Foundation for Early Intervention

Centre éducatif La Forêt Enchantée Ltd

Centre D’Appui Familial

Awo Taan Healing Lodge

Calgary Police Youth Foundation


Hull Services

Elizabeth House

Radisson Heights Housing

Marlborough Reads


Inglewood Community Association

Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth

How you can help?

Together, we can help children enjoy the reading essentials they need to thrive. Here are three ways you can support the Book Bank.

Give Time or Host a Book Drive

Volunteer and help us bring books to kids! Learn More

Your contribution to feeding the book bank means we can spread the joy of reading to many more children.

Download the book drive kit

Give Books

Drop off book donations at Shedpoint (1212 34 Ave SE) where our Book Bank is located.

We can receive donations Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or during our monthly book donation days.

Contact Dawn at to give her a little heads up.

Make a donation

Your contribution to feeding the book bank means we can spread the joy of reading to many more children.

The Little Red Reading House is part of the Owerko Centre at the University of Calgary. We are funded by the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. Please donate through the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation’s website. There is a section where you can include a comment that your gift was inspired to support the Little Red Reading House. We rely on the generosity of donors for books and funding, to continue inspiring children with the magic of reading, and to promote the importance of reading spaces.

Upcoming Book Bank Donation Days



March Book Donation Day

Help us get books into hands and homes that need them! If you have new and/or gently used children's books to donate, we're accepting donations at Shedpoint, 1212 34 Avenue SE (Bay 120), in Calgary on Saturday, March 1, 2025 between 10 am and 1 pm. See you there!



April Book Donation Day

Help us get books into hands and homes that need them! If you have new and/or gently used children's books to donate, we're accepting donations at Shedpoint, 1212 34 Avenue SE (Bay 120), in Calgary on Saturday, April 5, 2025 between 10 am and 1 pm. We accept Baby Board Books, Picture, Chapter and Young Adult books. See you there!



June Book Donation Day

Help us get books into hands and homes that need them! If you have new and/or gently used children's books to donate, we're accepting donations at Shedpoint, 1212 34 Avenue SE (Bay 120), in Calgary on Saturday, June 7, 2025 between 10 am and 1 pm. We accept Baby Board Books, Picture, Chapter and Young Adult books. See you there!

Thank you, Book Bank supporters!

What does it mean to a child to have a book of their very own? Some would say, everything. Thank you to the many volunteers, partners and donors who help us get children books to fall in love with.


What kinds of books do we accept?

We are grateful to receive high quality new or like-new books in the following categories: BABIES, CHILDREN, AND TEENS We have the highest demand for new board books, and new and like-new books for children and teens. Donations of just children and youth books can be dropped off any time at Little Red Reading House. COLLECTIBLES These are a bit trickier but here are some guidelines: • any book that is in a cardboard case, especially Folio Society books. • any books from the 1930s and earlier IF they’re in good condition. • any early or first edition of any book, especially a famous one. • hardcover local history books about a particular region or local topic and that are a bit larger than an average book. • newspapers and magazines from historic events (eg. a LIFE magazine published about the moon landing.) • autographed books. If you’re unsure about a book, please keep it or recycle it in your blue bin.

What kinds of books do we not accept?

We cannot accept dictionaries, encyclopedias, textbooks, Readers Digest, Harlequin, Avon or Signet romances, magazines, cassettes, or VHS tapes. We also can’t accept titles that are damaged, ripped, marked up or are not like-new in some way.